
Posts Tagged ‘direction’

Sometimes on the journey of life, you find yourself longing to be someplace else. Someplace where the people you long to see are. Someplace in time that allows you to dance and sing and celebrate life with those who are not with you. Sometimes there is distance that separates you physically. Sometimes the divide is life itself.

Our life story is knit together with those who have gone before us. It is also being knit together with those whose lives grow and are part of a pattern that yet remains to be seen. Each life flows from the previous lives. Each pattern grows from the love that shapes it.

Sometimes the pattern is broken and must be repaired or discarded. The pattern is only as good as the one who designed it. We make mistakes, we forget the rhythm, we lose the plan or decide to no longer follow the directions. It is then we either undo the mistakes, or incorporate them into the design.  Realizing that the end result will not resemble the original design.

In life when we vary from the plan of the creator, we find it a long road back to the path that was set before us. It is not always a wrong choice, it can be an idea put into action that leads us from the desired place. It is then we must decide to return to the original plan or seek the guidance to a new path that leads to the place our heart longs to be.

Colossians 2:2-3 “My goal it that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely Christ in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.”

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